Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Potty Training Advice

So if you have been around Lucy recently, you may have noticed that any time someone mentions the bathroom or potty, she gets so excited and wants to go potty too. This consists of her sitting down on the toilet (lid down), getting toilet paper, wiping herself, getting off the toilet seat, opening the lid, throwing in the toilet paper, flushing the toilet and saying "bye bye pee pee." She does this all with very very little help on my part. SO...I have decided that i would take the opportunity to try to potty train her.

I went out today and got her a seat to put over our toilet, a step stool, fun soap and pull-ups. I already have the treats. I am not very excited about this because she is not even 22 months old yet but how can I pass up all the interest she is showing? I was planning on starting this process at 2 1/2.

Any tips from you moms? I know nothing, so any advice will help!


KaSs MiLeS said...

i have no advice, but she's pretty stinkin' cute. can't wait until its my turn. you can pass on all your wisdom when i get to that stage of life, so take notes!
um... my word verification to leave a comment on your blog is sperm. that's a little weird.

lisset said...

go all in or don't do it at all. it's awesome that she is showing a lot of interest- so take advantage! i suggest staying caved in for a few days, setting a potty timer for about every half hour and letting her practice, practice, practice. she won't go every time, but she'll get in to the habit of sitting on the potty and giving it a try. you already bought the pull-ups, but i'd actually advise against them. they are confusing because they still feel like diapers. the first time she actually goes to the potty (or if maybe after she poops for the first time) run out and get some awesome undies, let her help pick them out, and do a ceremonious throwing away of the diapers! make a huge deal about everything and doing treats (like one m&m for pee pee and 2 for poopie) worked like a charm on e. after a few days of hard core potty training you should be pretty set. all kids experience a little regression, but if she is really truly ready it won't last more than a day or two. if it lasts longer, then it's probably a good sign to wait until she is a little older and she can better pin point what the sensation of needing to pee and poop feels like.

all in all- good luck! it is easier than everyone makes it out to be if you are dedicated to the process. what's 3 days of cave dwelling in comparison to never having to change diaper again?!

hope all that helps!

Lacey said...

I was going to tell you all about what I did with Cade but the comment above already did. Potty training kind of came out of the blue for me too so I was totally unprepared. However, I took C with me and let him pick out his underwear and his treats so he was excited about it. I pretty much dedicated a week to just staying home and letting him wear underwear... that lasted about 2 days. After the 2 days I was going crazy inside and decided to brave the "outdoors." He had a few accidents but nothing that couldnt be fixed but did better than expected. I would ask him every 30 minutes or so when we were out and keep and eye on him to watch for "potty signs." I would also say dont do the pull ups. I used them at night time for a little bit but during the day it is confusing for them and I think makes the process SO much longer than it needs to be. So, I would say just jump in, she will have accidents but that is what a washing machine is for. Once it clicks as to what she needs to do and how the whole thing works it will fly by. Good luck! You both will do great!

Krista Griffiths said...

I have no idea about the potty training department, but I plan on visiting your site and taking notes on all of these great comments. :) Oh not sure if you've noticed but I changed my blog to
Saw your mom at church the other day. She is so cute. Glad you're doing well. Good luck with the potty training!!

Bree said...

not much advice here either since we are going to attempt it at the end of september when all of our traveling is out of the way. The only thing I read was to let them run around naked for a day or 2 and write down when they ate/drank and compare it with when they pee and poop. You should see a trend I guess?! Good luck.

Jessica said...

So I'm not a Mom....but I watched my mom train my little sister. The days consisted of my mom feeding my sister lots of salty foods and making her drink tons so that they could get more practices in.

Aunt Viv said...

I am trying to potty train Clark right now. I saw his doctor today and asked for any advice. She said to ditch the pullups and use underwear. She said they can feel when they go better than the pullups.
She also mentioned that the first week or so you will be doing a lot of laundry. Good luck! :)

Mel said...

Holy Cow! I have to admit that I am waiting more for me than for B right now. Good luck, and I will definitely look forward to hearing what worked well.

Also, congratulations on your awesome house! It looks so sweet. When do you close & move in?