Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Another Week?

I don't have a picture...I know, so lame. I had to make a post anyway because we have officially reached the month I am been dreaming about and looking forward to for 9 months now. June, it's music to my ears, the only body part that doesn't scream for relief. The 13th is my official due date, but I am hoping for a little sooner. If you are reading this and were one of my Utah friends going through my first pregnancy with me, this is a TOTAL change of pace for me. I didn't want Lucy to come out. I wasn't ready to be a mom and figured I would be even more uncomfortable and stressed with a baby than I was with the alien in my body. But this time I am singing a different tune. I want this baby boy out of me. I am already a mom, my life has already been changed forever and I can't wait to meet the little guy! I had my first dream last night about this baby, took long enough. It got me even more excited to hold him for the first time, to look in his eyes and let him know he is safe and will always have a mommy that loves him and would do anything for him. Being a mom is the best!
Yesterday the doctor said I should go sometime next week, but that it really could be anytime now. So exciting!!!!!


Beth Curtis said...

yay!! I can't wait to hear the news of a new babe! I remember the last 2 weeks were the worst part of the pregnancy for me, well, morning sickness was pretty bad too.

Unknown said...

Hooray! I'm so excited for you! Good luck with everything! You are such a great mom. Your two little darlings are very lucky. :) Miss you! Love you!

Amy said...

don't you dare have that baby before the 14th.

KaSs MiLeS said...

that's awesome!! i'm excited for you!!

KaSs MiLeS said...

that's awesome!! i'm excited for you!!

Krista Griffiths said...

I'll be thinking about you tons!!! Can't wait to see pictures!! Good luck girl!!! Remember 2 is a little crazy at first, but it does get easier I promise!