Thursday, February 21, 2008

Valentines Day

Our Valentine’s day is always out done by the day before, Tyler's Birthday. But it is still a fun day and another excuse to celebrate our love for each other.

Lucy got a new outfit from Grandma Ane and it looks absolutely adorable on her if you ask me!

One of the gifts I got from my love was two dozen rozes which absolutely made my day!

We got a new Nordstrom catalog in the mail and to my joy Lucy loved it. Oh the fun we will have when she gets older! Right now she just sits in her stroller and enjoys the commotion around her when we shop. For the time being, this works for me!

And after we fed, bathed and put Lucy to bed it was finally time for the two of us to be together. We had a rather romantic dinner purchased from Costco while we watched a romantic was PERFECT! Since we were blessed with Lucy, we have not had very many nights to just cuddle and watch a movie at home. The evening together was long overdue!


Beth Curtis said...

Smart girl, start her early on Nordstroms. I love her!

Phil said...

OMG, Lucy is so effing cute! I love it.

Phil said...

I love the pic of Lucy laying on the ground smiling. She has such the cutest smile.