Wednesday, September 07, 2011

First Day of School

My little baby girl started Preschool yesterday. I did better than I expected, I didn't cry:) I just choked up as the teacher was walking Lucy through the morning routine. I think it is just knowing that somebody else will be seeing my baby grow and progress and I just get to hear about it later (hopefully).
Lucy will be going to school Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 hours a day. She was so excited to start and now can't wait to go back to play with her friends tomorrow. I hesitated to send Lucy to two years of preschool, but she is so social I knew she would love the chance to interact with new friends. I think that after weighing the pros and cons, Lucy is one child that will benefit from the social and structured environment her preschool will provide for her. I will get over being away from her I am sure.
Below is Lucy sporting one of her new outfits (I can't believe I had to go school clothes shopping this year) and her new backpack. Doesn't she just look so old?!!!
And at home with mommy...Little buddy who is almost 15-months-old. He is my happy little guy who often sports my favorite outfit for any little baby, a white onesie!!! I took pictures of him this morning in his new favorite place, the bin his cars live in.
I can't get enough of his cheesy smile. He sees a camera and gives this face...sometimes I think it is a face only a mother could love, but oh how I LOVE IT!


Beth said...

So so so precious... I wish we could have play dates. Lucy looks so adorable in her school clothes!

Radfords said...

so cute!! Isaac started on Tuesday too!! I was so excited up to the point of dropping him off for school!! I didn't know what to do with myself..luckily I have Brooke too!!

Bree said...

Preschool is such a wonderful thing! Axton started last January and I love seeing all the things he does there. They are growing up so quick!

KaSs MiLeS said...

yeah its hard to leave your babies. i have to do it every day. :( when they are still so tiny and changing every day. it really blows.

Megan said...

So Cute! Lucy looks darling and ready for preschool!

Jessie said...

Wow, how exciting for Lucy!!!

Amy said...


Loraleigh said...

So cute. We definitely need to try to get all the PC girls together sometime. Especially since we all have 2 now and they're all so similar in age! It's too bad we're all so spread out.

Matt and Elise said...

Hi Kelsey!! I am hoping you'll remember us... we lived underneath you guys in Provo =)... the good old days. Anyway, I found your blog, your kids are SO cute! I can't believe you have one going to school. Time flies way too fast. Well, I hope you're doing well; I'd love to be in touch.