So if you live anywhere near me, you have been watching my tummy grow and grow and grow. This is not because I have been putting on weight. I in fact only have a net gain of 1 pound. I feel really bad for waiting so long to tell everyone, especially for not calling a few of you to tell you we are having another baby. You know who you are and I so wanted to tell you before I blasted it on the Internet. But let's face it, a second child is not as thrilling to tell everyone about as the first. Your life doesn't change quite as drastically and you get fatter a whole lot sooner. None the less, I am sorry for not sharing sooner.
I have always envisioned what my life would be like when I grew up. What kind of husband I would have, what kind of home I would keep and what kind of mother I would be. I got married to a wonderful man, we had Lucy, moved home to Oregon, bought a house, but until I got pregnant this time around, it didn't occur to me that I am not the person I always dreamed I would be. I have all the things I wanted, but am not living up to my own expectations. Granted I am a perfectionist by nature so the vision I have for myself in my mind is a lofty goal. The problem is I am no where near where I want to be. So now that I am not spending all day being sick, I am trying so hard to become the wife, mother and homemaker that I envisioned all those years ago. I think it is amazing that it took this wonderfully active child in my tummy to realize my reality and set me on the right course. God sure knows what we need and when we need it. I hope I can continue to grow and to become the woman I know I can be. The woman I know I have to be in order to live my best life and live up to my true potential as a daughter/loving servant of God.